Andersons To Perú

Dear Friends and Family,       July 10, 2021

I can’t wait to get back to Peru! But I can’t imagine returning without Kathy!
Kathy’s dad, Tom Pace, needed to have back surgery again before he could return to Peru. He had to wait until the middle of April for his surgery because of being on blood thinner after some blood clots were found in his lungs back in January. I chose to be available to help him and Carolyn get to appointments during that time. He had his surgery just over four weeks ago and seems to be recovering well. But not as fast or as well as he would like.

If Tom’s back continues to improve, Tom and Carolyn are planning to return to Peru in July. I am planning to travel with them here in the states to visit some family and friends and churches in Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado and New Mexico. Once they head to Peru I plan on visiting with my family then heading to Peru at the end of August. Can’t wait! But I can’t imagine returning without Kathy! We definitely did almost everything as a team.

Updates! Exciting times!

Girls Picture

On May 14th Janise graduated with her master’s degree! Please pray for her as she gets ready to go to France on an evangelistic missions trip this summer to reach Muslims going in and out of France. (If you are interested in helping her go to: )

Also, on May 14th Krista graduated with her bachelor’s degree! Please pray for her as she will be working at an evangelistic summer day camp. She plans on starting her master’s courses this fall.

Raeya is currently in Peru visiting family and friends and helping out with different ministries. She is enjoying the opportunity. Please pray for her as she is hoping to go to Japan to work with another missionary family for a couple of years. Big decisions coming up!

Risha just finished her sophomore year of college. Please pray for her as she will be working this summer to help pay for her classes this fall. Pray also for her health. She has been having some major dizzy spells and light headedness which have been worrying her and will need to be checked out.

I have to apologize for the delay in writing prayer letters. I have started writing them many times. If someone were to ask me how I am doing (after Kathy’s death) I would say that I am doing well. And that is true. God is good and He has taken good care of me and my girls. We continue to be amazed how He shows His love and care through friends and family and our churches. For me the hardest things have been the most unexpected ones. For example, contacting our banks to tell them that Kathy has died. A very simple task but one that took me almost 5 months. Another example is sending our information to new pastors that I had contact with. I could tell them over the phone or in person but struggled with writing down in a letter that I would be returning to Peru without Kathy. I would end up sending them older information that both Kathy and I wrote. All that to say thank you for your patience and understanding for the delay in getting a prayer letter and update sent.

Thank you again for everyone’s faithful prayers and support! What a wonderful blessing! Rick, Janise, Krista, Raeya and Risha Anderson

Thank you again for everyone’s faithful prayers and support! What a wonderful blessing!
      Rick, Janise, Krista, Raeya and Risha Anderson

Prayer Card 2021